Sunday, 13 September 2015

Invasion - Drop Zone Commander Tournament Planning

At the last Invasion tournament I bought a 1500 point Scourge starter box. Although I have been using my beloved PHR since I was first introduced to the game, a recent spurt of painting enthusiasm, and being overcome with the novelty of the Scourge movement rates, I decided to try out the bad guys of the DZC universe. Perhaps only having one practice game, at the time of writing, is not ideal. Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound!

Above: My red and yellow paint scheme.

I have made a few additions to the original starter box, three Reavers, a couple of Vampires and two bases of Eviscerators. My list (created with help from Mike and Dan from Orbital Bombardment) is as follows:

Commander: Overlord - Level 5 - 1492 points

(A level five commander is new for me, and expensive in terms of points, but with the Scourge being so lightly armoured, getting your models away from the danger zone by winning the initiative is very important. To quote Oddball from the film Kelly's Heroes, 'you see, man, we like to feel we can get out of trouble, quicker than we got into it').

Desolator: Desolator (Overlord) 260 points

Hunter Squad: 3x Hunter, Marauder (+ Vampire) 160 points
Reavers: 3x Reavers 162 points

Warrior Horde: 2x Warriors, Intruder Alpha 94 points
Reaper Squad: 3x Reaper, Marauder (+ Vampire) 172 points

Warrior Horde: 2x Warriors, Intruder Alpha 94 points
Reaper Squad: 3x Reaper, Marauder 158 points

Occupational Patrol
Minders: 4x Minder, Intruder Beta 56 points
Destroyers: 2x Destroyers, Intruder Alpha 140 points
Eviscerators: 2x Eviscerators, Intruder Alpha 140 points

Occupational Patrol
Minders: 4x Minder, Intruder Beta 56 points

To help me identify which models are in which battle group I have put different coloured flock on their bases.

I hope to have a second practice game before Invasion. My wargaming colleagues have raised doubts about going to a tournament with so little practice. My response: Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves?

Happy wargaming.


  1. Looking good Alex, I like the base ideas, also the crystals.
    Do you think the red and yellow could do with a black or brown ink wash to add depth (difficult to say without seeing in person)
    You did well to get it all done in time though. Hope your last practice game goes well

    1. Thank you. I agree about the brightness of the red and yellow. A subtle ink wash may help a little. I didn't want to dull the colours too much, but I will give it a go before Saturday.
